Watershed Profile: Yellow Breeches Creek near Lisburn, PA

Watershed Overview
The Yellow Breeches Creek Watershed is primarily in Cumberland County, PA with only small portions in York and Adams Counties, PA. Yellow Breeches Creek flows west to east before it empties into the Susquehanna River near New Cumberland, PA.
Drainage Characteristics
  • Drainage Area (square miles): 189.18
  • Total Stream Length (miles): 261.1
  • Average Annual Flow at Station (NHD) (cfs): 263.6
  • Population (2020): 46,181
Stream Classifications (Pennsylvania)
Designation Miles
Cold Water Fisheries 100.82
High-Quality Cold Water Fisheries 156.98
Trout Stocked Fisheries 3.32
Total 261.12
  • Land Use
  • Description Percentage
    Water 0.25
    Developed Open Space 7.22
    Low Urban 4.30
    Medium Urban 1.28
    High Urban 0.37
    Barren 0.04
    Deciduous Forest 45.99
    Coniferous Forest 2.32
    Mixed Forest 7.86
    Shrub Scrub 0.30
    Grassland Herbaceous 0.42
    Pasture/Hay 10.38
    Cropland 17.28
    Wetlands 2.00
Underlying Geology
Rock Type Percentage
Conglomerate 2.19
Dolomite 16.89
Limestone 1.80
Other 15.77
Quartzite 34.61
Shale 28.74
Recent Results
Sample Time 10/23/2024 9:45:00 PM
Temperature  (C) 14.18
Specific Conductivity  (mS/cm) 0.337
PH 7.79
Turbidity  (NTU+) 3.49
Dissolved Oxygen  (mg/L) 9.49
Dissolved Oxygen (last month of readings)
pH (last month of readings)
Specific Conductivity (last month of readings)
Temperature (last month of readings)
Turbidity (last month of readings)
Natural Gas
  • Natural Gas Pads 0
  • Natural Gas Water Withdrawals 0
Public Water Supply Withdrawals
  • Groundwater 79
  • Surface Water 0
NPDES Discharges
Description Count
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation 2
Mining/Quarry 2
Stormwater 50
Wastewater Treatment Plant/Sewage Treatment Plant 4
Other 17
Stream Impairments
Source Category Miles
Agriculture Aquatic Life 6.40
Atmospheric Deposition Aquatic Life 64.90
Construction Aquatic Life 1.70
Industrial Point Source Aquatic Life 2.30
Municipal Point Source Aquatic Life 3.10
Source Unknown Aquatic Life 4.40
Industrial Point Source Fish Consumption 10.80
Source Unknown Potable Water Supply 6.50
Agriculture Recreational 13.40