Passby Status Details

Pine Meadows Golf Complex / Pine Meadows Golf Complex

Docket Number
NAICS Description
Golf Courses and Country Clubs
Little Swatara Creek (Surface Water)
Approved Withdrawal
0.265 mgd (Peak Withdrawal Limit)
Passby Type
Stop withdrawal until streamflow exceeds trigger flow.
Passby Location
Little Swatara Creek

Trigger Gage
Swatara Creek At Harper Tavern, Pa. (01573000)
Trigger Flow
115.00  (1/1/2025 to 12/31/2025)
Latest Flow
232.00 (2/11/2025 7:15:00 PM)
12 cfs change since 2/10/2025 7:15:00 PM
Min. Flow 48 Hrs.
211.00 (2/11/2025 8:30:00 AM)

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