Provisional Data: Babb Creek upstream of Lick Creek

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Toggle Unit: C/F Toggle Unit: C/F
Sample Time Temperature (C) Temperature (F) Specific Conductivity (mS/cm) pH   Turbidity (NTU+) DO (mg/L)

These are provisional data and have not been subject to a quality assurance process, but rather are the raw data reported by the instrument.
H: value is above sensor operating range
L: value is below sensor operating range
Offline: station is not reporting data
NC: parameter is not collected at site

Data Availability & Limitations

Uncertainty and potential for error can be associated with environmental monitoring data. Provisional data have not been subject to a quality assurance process, but rather are the raw data reported by the instrument. Data users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences.

Approved data are currently available by request by emailing: [email protected]. Approved data have been subject to a quality assurance process to correct for equipment or fouling drift. Data recorded during equipment malfunctions have been removed.

View Historical Stations that have been discontinued.