Business Meeting

Date: December 12, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: TBD
To join by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 892 9200 0071
Passcode: SRBC4423!
To join by phone: 1-305-224-1968 or 1-309-205-3325
Meeting ID: 892 9200 0071

Business Meetings are noticed in the Federal Register and are the forum for official Commission actions. The public is welcome to attend the Business Meetings, but the opportunity for formal comment is not typically provided. In rare instances, an item may be added to the agenda after notice has been posted. To allow the public to address such items and any other relevant issues, at the discretion of the Commission chair and as time allows, the Commission typically provides time for an informal discussion after the adjournment of the business meeting.

The Commission adopted an Access to Records Policy to assure the public has access to Commission records consistent with the Susquehanna River Basin Compact. As a federal-interstate compact agency, the Commission is committed to open and transparent operations and accessibility of records to the public.